Sunday, September 26, 2010

Willowbrook and the 3rd Maine

Enjoyed a successful book signing of Billy Boy at Willowbrook, a 19th Century Village in Newfield, Maine on September 25th. Members of the 3rd Maine Regiment dazzled the crowd with demonstrations and lots of great information about camp life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rally for Norlands, A Civil War Reenactment Weekend

I will be selling signed copies of "Billy Boy" at the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center's Second Annual “Rally for Norlands”, the largest Civil War Reenactment in Maine in recent years, on June 12 & 13, 2010. (I will be there on Saturday only). Confederate and Union military from across New England are planning to participate in the weekend living history event featuring skirmishes and battles, artillery fire, the “Town of Unity” civilian camp, farm-life living history, field music, “Sanitation Fair” with exhibits, oddities and activities from the Civil war era, traditional Saturday bean supper and contra-dance, period preacher at the Sunday church service, 1864town ball game, good food, raffles, childrens’ activities and muchmore.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ed Asner as FDR

On Friday, March 5, Donald and I, along with Skip Cole, Superintendent of Campobello International Park, hosted a panel discussion prior to Ed Asner's one-man performance as FDR at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland. We discussed Campobello Island, the Roosevelt family friendship with the Passamaquoddy Tribe, and the crafting of our children's book, "Remember Me, Tomah Joseph's Gift to Franklin Roosevelt."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Noble High School Visit

On February 25, I will make my third visit to Noble High School in Berwick, Maine. Students are currently reading Billy Boy, the Sunday Soldier of the 17th Maine. I've been asked to talk about the book and how I incorporated historical realities into a work of fiction. By the way, Berwick is the home of Billy Boy!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Recently Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the keynote speaker at the Maine Community Foundation's "Evening of Philantrophy." As a thank you gift to Anna, she was given a copy of "Remember Me, Tomah Joseph's Gift to Franklin Roosevelt." Anna is a lovely person and in my humble opinion, has all the stature and presence that I'm sure her grandmother Eleanor exhibited.